The makers of After DarkĀ« proudly introduce the Expresso Calendar and Address Book, available September 1994 from software retailers or mail order catalogs. Expresso is a product combining the power and benefits of a computer calendar with Berkeley System's unique approach to personalizing your personal computer with stunning graphics. Read through this short description of Expresso, then visually tour the program by playing the demos (note there is one for Windows users and one for Macintosh users) included in this CD. For more information about Expresso, call Berkeley Systems Customer Service department at (510) 549-2300.
Welcome to the Expresso Calendar and Address Book, the only computer calendar that's totally easy, totally useful, and totally cool! We believe that managing your schedule and keeping track of your personal contracts shouldn't be overwhelming or difficult. That is why we designed Expresso to be the only electronic calendar that uses the power of a computer but with the elegant simplicity of pen and paper.
Right off the bat, you'll see that Expresso looks like no other calendar on the market. You'll have the choice of over twenty stunning graphic styles to choose from for your calendar and other tools. These looks range from the very simple (black and white, or shades of gray) to very stylish (Italian marbleized paper or sea shell patterns) to the down-right wacky (computer circuit boards and kooky monsters). A few looks include little animations to delight you, but all looks are carefully designed to complement with your calendar and address book information, rather than conflict with it.
We understand that a great looking calendar is nice, but when it comes down to it, your calendar needs to be easy, powerful, and flexible. Expresso delivers all this and more.
To constantly keep you in touch with your information, Expresso introduces FlashBack. With this patent-pending feature, your calendar is always accessible and visible. FlashBack allows your calendar to become your desktop background (on top of your Windows Wallpaper or Macintosh desktop pattern) with the click of a button. Your calendar is always visible, just like a wall calendar or desk blotter. To return to Expresso (even from within another program), just click the FlashBack button again, and you're back, quick as a flash. The FlashBack button is always accessible from your current active window (in Windows) or from the menu bar (on Macintosh).
Expresso also offers a unique click and type interface that makes it as easy to use as pen and paper. To set an appointment or jot down a to-do item, just click and type. No fumbling around in complex dialog boxes or clumsy menus. When you need powerful features, though, like recurring events, alarms, printing in any organizer size or labels, linking, importing/exporting from other computer calendars, file synchronization, or sharing calendars between PCs or Macintoshes, it's all here. And more!
Expresso is not your average computer calendar. Use it for a day and you'll say what others have been saying about it... "Finally, there's a computer calendar that really works!"